What Are Your Super-Powers?

Do you have super speed to get things done faster than others? Can you sense what others are feeling without them saying anything? Can you motivate others into action through words? You've had super powers your whole life and never realized it!

At Level Up we use the CliftonStrengths assessment tool to help you identify your innate talents and begin using them intentionally to be the most awesome YOU ever!

Understanding your talents can lead to greater personal development, career and educational alignment, enhanced relationships, and goal attainment ...like saving the world!

Coaching vs Counseling

(Which Do I Need?)

Counseling is an open and organic process of working on personal development or responding to feelings of depression, anxiety, loss, or adjusting to new life circumstances.

Coaching is more focused and centered around developing awareness of one's talents based on the CliftonStrengths Assessment (or other assessments) and identifying how to use one's talents to achieve personal or career goals. Coaching is more prescriptive. It always begins with the creation of a contract, includes review of the assessment, and identification and review of intentional use of one's talents toward stated goals.

If there is a specific and concrete goal that you want to accomplish -- e.g. finish a thesis/dissertation -- then coaching may be the right Level Up service for you.

Ready to Make an Appointment?

Contact Rick Hudson at (502) 322-6137 or rickhudson@levelupcounselingky.com